Wednesday 25 December 2013


It’ s a handheld scanner and printer all in one .
This unique portable scanner concept allows
users to directly scan and paste without the
need of any photocopier or printer.  This
hand-held device has two buttons – one on
the underside and one on the top . The
underside button when pushed activates the
scanner which can scan images or text . Once
scanning is completed , pushing the top
button activates the printer function and can
be used to print directly on notebook or just
any paper without the need of any external
printer. So you literally Copy & Paste in a
physical plane. This portable scanner concept
will not only reduce paper usage but will also
help to save energy and electronic waste in
the long run. But I wonder how steadily you ’d
have to move your hand during the scanning
process to make a decent pic.
Designers: Jayeong Yoon & Seulki Kim
The handheld scanner
Scanner and dictionary in one unit
Concept iPhone Finger Print Scanner
Innovative Pen Printer Concept
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